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Peer Review Services and Pre Submission Manuscript Peer Review Services

With our peer review service, you can get our experts to review your paper and provide constructive feedback so that you can improve your manuscript much before you make the submission. Our assessment process here resembles those undertaken at major high-impact journals, maximizing your chances of receiving favorable comments from journal editors.

  • Eliminate major reasons for manuscript rejection through comprehensive and objective evaluation
  • Specific technical review with suggestions for improvement
  • A short wait period compared to journal review comments

Peer Review



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Also available in: Platinum Pack

Why Choose Our Pre-submission Peer Review Service

  • You get the opportunity to identify technical gaps and correct them sooner
  • You receive a detailed assessment of your manuscript from a subject expert
  • You can get collaborate with an expert over multiple rounds of technical review
  • You get a taste of the actual manuscript peer review process and can better prepare for journal comments
  • You significantly improve your manuscript and minimize the risk of negative comments

Meet our experts

  • Kevin C
    Post-Doctorate, University of Oxford

    United Kingdom

    28+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Nature
    • Journal of Biological Chemistry
    • PLoS ONE and other
    Paper publishing experience
    • Human Reproduction Update (IF: 10.165)
    • Advances in Biological Regulation (IF: 6.99)
    • Journal of Biomedical Optics (IF: 2.859)
    • Theriogenology (IF: 2.136)
    • Scientific Reports (IF: 1.414)
  • Katy E
    Doctorate, Earth Sciences, Cambridge University


    12+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Nature Geoscience
    • Earth and Planetary Science Letters
    • Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
    Paper publishing experience
    • Earth Science Reviews (IF: 9.530)
  • Shawn M
    Doctorate, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    United States of America

    10+ years of experience
    100+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • American Meteorological Society
    • National Weather Association
    • Royal Meteorological Society
    • Springer atmospheric science journals
    • The Journal of Asia-Pacific
    • Atmospheric Sciences
    Paper publishing experience
    • Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (IF: 7.929)
    • Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (IF: 2.463)
    • Climate Dynamics (IF: 4.708)
    • Monthly Weather Review (IF: 3.043)
    • Weather and Forecasting (IF: 2.288)
  • Karen R
    Doctorate, Neuroimmunology Trinity College


    5+ years of experience
    250+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Biological Psychiatry
    • Scientific Reports
    • Journal of Anxiety Disorders
    • PLoS ONE
    • DNA
    • Cell Biology
    Paper publishing experience
    • Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (IF: 6.306)
    • Journal of Psychopharmacology (IF: 4.738)
    • Neuropharmacology (IF: 4.249)
    • Neurochemistry International (IF: 3.262)
    • Journal of Neuroimmunology (IF: 3.033)
  • Chris M
    Doctorate, Neuroscience / Psychology


    7+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Neuroimage
    • The European Journal of Neuroscience
    • Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
    • Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
    Paper publishing experience
    • Journal of Neuroscience (IF: 6.074)
    • Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (IF: 6.040)
    • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (IF: 5.601)
    • Neuroimage (IF: 5.426)
    • Neuropharmacology (IF: 4.249)
    • Grant Applications for a number of research funding bodies
  • Jean B
    Doctorate, Molecular Physiology and Genetics


    10+ years of experience
    250+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Genes to Cells
    • Journal of Cell Science
    • Oncogene
    • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
    Paper publishing experience
    • Molecular Cell (IF: 14.548)
    • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (IF: 9.58)
    • EMBO Reports (IF: 8.568)
    • Cell Reports (IF: 7.815)
    • Plant Journal (IF: 5.775)
  • Matthew E
    Doctorate, Cell Biology, Yale University, 2016

    United States of America

    3+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Molecular Cell
    • Cell Reports
    • PLOS Genetics
    • NAR
    Paper publishing experience
    • Genes and Development (IF: 9.413)
    • EMBO Reports (IF: 8.56
    • mBio (IF: 6.74)
    • RNA (IF: 4.94)
    • Genetics (IF: 4.075)
    • PLoS Genetics (IF: 4.001)
    • Journal of Biological Chemistry (IF: 2.403)
  • Nicole SD
    Doctorate, Biochemistry, London, Canada, 2010


    10+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Cell
    • Molecular Cell
    • Journal of Proteomics
    • Molecular and Cellular Proteomics
    • Journal of Biological Chemistry
    • Biochemical Journal
    Paper publishing experience
    • Nature Methods (IF: 28.467)
    • Cell (IF: 25.976)
    • Nature (IF: 16.345)
    • Molecular Cell (IF: 12.076)
    • Cell Reports (IF: 6.635)
  • John M
    Doctorate, Biology (virology)

    United States of America

    28+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Nature Genetics
    • Cell
    • J. Biol. Chem.
    • PNAS
    Paper publishing experience
    • Cell (IF: 25.976)
    • Nature (IF: 16.345)
    • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (IF: 5.601)
    • Journal of Biological Chemistry (IF: 2.403)
  • John H
    Post-Doctorate, Biological Sciences/ Neurobiology

    United States of America

    28+ years of experience
    250+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Nature
    • PLoS ONE
    • The journal of Neroscience
    • Journal of Cellular Physiology
    • Developmental Neurobiology
    • Scientific Reports
    • Nature Communications
    Paper publishing experience
    • Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (IF: 6.306)
    • Journal of Psychopharmacology (IF: 4.738)
    • Neuropharmacology (IF: 4.249)
    • Neurochemistry International (IF: 3.262)
    • Journal of Neuroimmunology (IF: 3.033)

Pre-Submission Peer Review Features

20,000+ Customers have been benefited from our manuscript peer review service.

Rapid review, short wait

Receive in-depth comments on your manuscript in less than 5 days rather than wait for weeks to receive similar comments from a journal reviewer.

Revisions on high priority

Our manuscript peer review experts list their suggested revisions in the order of importance, allowing you to instead focus on more critical issues.

Specific technical expertise

Be it study design or data analysis, the review contains specific trigger questions that compel our reviewers to look at every possible angle of your research.

What you get

With our in-depth detailed pre submission manuscript peer review report, we make it easy for you to get published, faster.

Pre Submission Manuscript Peer Review Report Sample

Section 1 - Largest Matches

Highlights on the manuscript to indicate text that is similar to previously published sources(by color and number) to allow you to quickly see & rectify the problem areas

Section 2 - Comments

An overall similarity score for your manuscript (towards the end of the report). Lower the score, better it is for you.

Section 3 - Additional Resources

‘Primary sources’ highlights sources to investigate for possible plagiarized text and reports the similarity index and the number of similars words for those specific sources…

Additional round of revision

After you revise your paper based on the Pre-submission Peer Review Report, send it back for a free recheck by the expert.
97%Users gave us outstanding rating

Over 97% of researchers believe that pre-submission peer review service improved the quality of their last published paper by identifying scientific errors and missing and inaccurate references.

The Peer Review Process

Editage’s pre-submission peer review is a great way to receive constructive feedback from peer reviewers and experts in your field of study. A peer review before an actual journal peer review, this service helps authors anticipate reviewer comments or opinions about their work and make necessary corrections before submission.

Upload manuscript

As a first step, you send your manuscript to us for review along with any other instructions or guidelines.

The Technical review

To make your research more impactful and ensure that it adheres to the industry’s publication standards, Editage’s pre-submission peer review service has industry experts review your manuscript on critical parameters like the relevance of your study, language quality, structure and flow of the manuscript

Expert feedback

After a thorough technical review of the manuscript, our editors identify gaps and offer critique on all major areas – from validating ethical compliance to ensuring that the main research outcomes are presented and justified well.

Multiple rounds of review

Once you’ve made corrections to your manuscript based on the peer review comments, you also get an opportunity to send it back to the expert for a free recheck to maximize your chances of positive consideration by the journal.

With our all services packs, save up to 60%

Buy Pre-submission peer review service as part of our Publication Support Packs and ensure a worry free submission journey..

Platinum Pack

From reviewing your content to publication.
Select Platinum Pack


  • Journal Selection

  • Plagiarism Submission

  • Premium Editing

  • Resubmission Support

  • Artwork Formatting

  • Pre submission Peer Review

  • Journal Submission

Accelerate your publication journey

Get your own assistant to navigate complex journal submission processes that can save you from rejection and get you published faster.

⏰ Turnaround time5 Days
💲 Rate$200
✏️ Feedback AreasTechnical review, Detailed assessment of your Manuscript
📄 Document typesResearch paper, Case Reports
🪄 Available Benefits Rapid review, One round of Additional Review

What our Peer Review Service users say

  • Editage has not only helped me in proofreading my articles but also successfully guided me in the selection of journals. Great service! The comments f... Read more

    Tiago Freire, Lecturer

    Xi'an JiaoTong-Liverpool University

  • Its really a high quality editing service and I'm quite pleased about the work. If an author is seeking qualified writing and publication support, thi... Read more

    Ugur Erdemir , Associate Professor

    Istanbul University

  • Without Editage, I cannot imagine that I could publish two articles and complete my Ph.D. course. A great job and a great cost-benefit. I have tried o... Read more

    Hirohisa Shimura , Adjunct Professor

    Temple University Japan Campus

  • Thank you very much for the Editage team. Actually, this is the first time to become the corresponding author. The acceptance of this manuscript is so... Read more

    Obie Farobie,

    Impact factor - 5.039 of Journal

  • Great service! The comments from the editor really help me guide my writing and how I shape my argument. It is one of the best features of this servic... Read more

    Dr. Luigi Schiavo, Nutrizionist, , Published in: PLOS

    Second University of Naples. Impact factor - 4.942 of Journal

  • I was supported by Editage team through the whole process of preparing the manuscript. Thank You!

    Mariusz Sieminski

    Impact Factor - 3.339 of Journal

Researchers have used
Editage to publish in
35,000+ journals

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • 01

    Who reviews my manuscript? What is the experts qualification?

  • 02

    Do you guarantee publication?

  • 03

    Will you correct the areas flagged by your reviewers?

  • 04

    What is the deliverable I receive?

  • 05

    Is there post-service support?

  • 06

    Will you help me modify the paper based on journal reviewers comments?

  • 07

    What is a pre-submission peer review and why is it important?

  • 08

    What does the pre submission manuscript peer review service include?

  • 09

    What are the different plans available under peer review service?

  • 10

    What are the different types of peer review?

  • 11

    How long does a pre-submission peer review take?

  • 12

    What if I don’t agree with the peer reviewers’ comments?

  • 13

    What information is needed while ordering the pre-submission peer-review service?

  • 14

    What makes Editage’s peer review service unique?

  • 15

    Can I avail the pre-submission peer review service during weekends and holidays?

  • 16

    Do you provide support after the delivery of the peer review service?

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