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Your Research, Seen By More Eyes

Stand out and Publish with Graphical Abstracts

Customized to your target journal and specialized in 1000+ subject areas

Try our Graphical Abstract Service

Powered by a team of scientific & design experts

Researchers choose Editage
for our 22 years of expertise and more...


Multiple Revisions until you are satisfied

Get your visual abstract tailormade to your satisfaction. Request as many revisions until you are fully satisfied with the final output.

Transform Research
to Artwork

Our visualizers understand your words and your ideas perfectly before transforming them into visuals ensuring nothing is lost in translation. 

Get Multiple
File Formats

We help you with your visual abstract in multiple formats to aid the shareability of your research across multiple channels. 

On time.
Every single time.

Never compromise on your deadlines as we ensure that your visual abstract accompanies your paper, as per your timelines.

Customize to
Your Journal

For many journals, visual abstracts are mandatory. Meet your journal’s expectations, with visuals that summarize your research in a way that instantly draws your reader’s attention.

We work with top publishers mandating graphical abstracts

See how we create your Graphical Abstract

Visual communication

Highly detailed drawings, vector icons, or charts to communicate your study in the most effective way possible

Captivating summaries

Scientific illustrations

Visual communication

Endorsed by the success of researchers like you

  • Dr. Giorgio Berlot

    The reviewers of a submitted manuscript sent it back due to a bad form. (Editage) worked on the Manuscript which has now improved.

    Dr. Giorgio Berlot

    Professor, University of Trieste, Dept. Of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, United States

    Subject Area: Molecular Biology: Embryonic, Cellular, and Evolutionary

  • Dr. Margaret Moe

    The article was accepted for publication at my first choice of journal. The turn-around time was quick, and I felt well-cared for throughout the process.

    Dr. Margaret Moe

    Professor, Lee University, United States

    Subject Area: Media and Communication

  • Mr. Patrick Devos

    I discovered Editage while preparing an article for the Journal of Clinical Oncology. I received the corrected version of my manuscript within 3 days.

    Mr. Patrick Devos

    Statistician, Universite de Lille, France

    Subject Area: Bibliometrics

Why is Editage your perfect research companion?



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Your research is secure

ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified security systems ensure that your research will always remain yours.


Journals have published our authors

2 Million+

Papers Enhanced

1 Million+

Happy Researchers

Enhance your manuscript with our value added services

  • Journal Selection

    Protect your research from unnecessary delays by meeting all guidelines and conventions of your desired journal.

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  • Pre-Submission Peer Review

    Accelerate your publication journey with recommendations from peer reviewers of high impact factor journals.

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  • Artwork Formatting

    Enhance the aesthetic appeal of your paper. Design visually striking and scientifically accurate illustrations with ease.

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Personalized Support

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • 01

    What is meant by graphical abstract?

  • 02

    How do you write a graphical abstract?

  • 03

    Is a graphical abstract required?

  • 04

    Why are an increasing number of journals requiring graphical abstracts to be submitted with papers for publication?

1M+ researchers have fulfilled their research dreams with us.
Come join them.

*Disclaimer: All third-party trademarks (including logos and icons) of journals / publishers, etc. referred to on this website remain the property of their respective owners. Use of third-party trademarks does not indicate any affiliation, sponsorship with or endorsement by them. Any references to third-party trademarks is to identify the corresponding services and shall be considered fair use under The Trademarks Law. We are not implying that purchasing this service will ensure publication in any journal.


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