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Report Editing Services and Report Proofreading Services

Editing your Annual Report

The quality of your annual report and the message it conveys not only represents your company’s corporate health but also establishes your brand image and your company’s credibility in the eyes of shareholders, potential investors, future customers, and even competitors. Clearly, it is one of the most important documents you will produce. That’s why it is important to ensure that your annual report is error-free and consistent in its messaging, by getting it professionally edited before you go to print.

Three-step editing model

The Premium Editing Service follows the three-step editing model.


Manuscript-Editor Pairing

An editor with subject-area and report-editing expertise is chosen to work on your document.

Editing and Journal Formatting

The editor helps you prepare a print-ready, succinct, and clear report by reviewing and correcting the following aspects.


You receive the edited report, review it, and contact your editor in case of any doubts or questions.
Advanced Editing
For authors who
  • have organised content
  • need only sentence-level editing, and
  • are confident their paper needs very few revisions before and after journal submission
  • Detailed language check (grammar, spelling, punctuation, and terminology check)
  • Unlimited Q&A with the editor
Learn more about Advanced
Premium Editing
For authors who
  • are targeting well-known journals,
  • want to collaborate with our editors to submit the best version of their manuscript to the journal,
  • expect rounds of revisons before journal submission, and
  • have limited experience in writing well-organized papers
  • Comprehensive language check with extensive revisions (rephrasing, reorganization, logic, and clarity)
  • Unlimited free re-edits for 365 days
  • Customized cover letter & manuscript assessment report
Learn more about Premium
Scientific Editing
  • are targeting high-ranking journals in their field that have high standards of research publication
  • are looking for content-focused feedback from peer reviewers for top journals to submit a premier quality paper for publication, and
  • are looking to make mutliple revisions to their paper before submisison to a top journal in their field
  • Complete language check, extensive revisions, and post-submission communication support
  • Unlimited free re-edits for 365 days for same/multiple journals
  • Free Plagiarism Check Report
  • Content review by peer reviewers for jop journals Includes recomendations for improvements (Editage Exclusive)
  • Journal response letter check and formatting for multiple journals
Learn more about Scientific


Papers edited


Authors served

20+ years

Editing Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • 01

    Do you also format our annual reports?

  • 02

    My report is in a PDF file. Can you edit it?

  • 03

    What are the top features of Editage’s report editing services?

  • 04

    Who should choose a Report editing service and Report proofreading service?

  • 05

    Do you provide Report editing services on holidays and weekends?

  • 06

    Do you provide report editing service support after document delivery?

  • 07

    Do you provide a certificate of editing?

  • 08

    What makes Report Editing different from other editing services?

  • 09

    Why choose Report Editing Services by Editage

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