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Frequently Answered Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to use our FAQ section?
  • Editing services
  • Publication support services
  • Payments and pricing
  • Translation with Editing Services
  • Medical Writing with Editing Services
  • How to order?
  • Editage Online System
  • Quality & delivery guarantee
  • Editage for labs
  • Editage Cash Card
  • Video Summaries
Quality & delivery guarantee
  • I have some questions regarding the editor’s changes in my document. How can I get them answered?

  • The journal reviewer/editor has recommended that the paper be checked by a native English speaker or professional English editing service before re-submission.Is such a comment sufficient reason to avail of the Editage Quality Guarantee?

  • What if I want to make changes to my paper after you have edited it?

  • I have made some changes to my paper after you edited it. Is the quality guarantee still valid?

  • I need checking of the flow and logic of my paper. I understand that Advanced Editing cannot help me with this. What should I do?

  • As authors of academic papers, we revise our drafts several times before finally submitting the manuscript to the journal. Submitting the paper for editing each time would be expensive. What should we do?

  • I think I will be making revisions to the edited paper, so multiple-round editing may be useful to me. However, I am not sure how many rounds of editing I will need.

  • I used the Premium Editing Service but I am not satisfied with the quality of the edited paper. What should I do?

  • I used the Premium Editing Service but I still received a negative comment on language from the journal. What should I do?

  • I do not want all the benefits offered under the Premium Editing service. What do you suggest I do?

  • I do not want to use the Premium Editing Service only for multiple rounds of editing. What do you suggest?

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