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Frequently Answered Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to use our FAQ section?
  • Editing services
  • Publication support services
  • Payments and pricing
  • Translation with Editing Services
  • Medical Writing with Editing Services
  • How to order?
  • Editage Online System
  • Quality & delivery guarantee
  • Editage for labs
  • Editage Cash Card
  • Video Summaries
Publication support services
  • What is the rejection rate of journals?

  • What are open-access journals?

  • What is impact factor?

  • Are a journal’s impact factor and rejection rate directly correlated? For example, does a journal with a low impact factor have a low rejection rate?

  • Do journal peer reviewers accept/reject papers?

  • Why do journals ask authors to recommend reviewers?

  • Who should I recommend as a reviewer for my manuscript?

  • Who is the corresponding author?

  • What fees do I have to pay the journal and are these included in your Journal Submission service?

  • How do I select a pack service? (Platinum, Gold, or Silver)

  • What services does the Platinum pack include?

  • What does the Gold pack offer?

  • What services are included in the Silver pack?

  • Does Editage guarantee publication with each pack?

  • I want to select one of your standard packages but I have already selected a target journal. Therefore, I don’t need the journal selection service. What should I do?

  • Do you offer help to rewrite and paraphrase the plagiarized text in my manuscript?

  • How will you check my document for Plagiarism?

  • What are the best practices for journals to be considered for review?

  • How is the selection process carried out?

  • What is rapid technical review?

  • Does the pricing for Rapid Technical Review vary depending on the word count of my document?

  • Do you assure privacy of my article before submission to a journal?

  • As I did not receive a reply from the Editor of the Journal could you advise me if I should withdraw my request?

  • Can you re-format my manuscript for another journal?

  • How can I ask my job to be put on hold as I am revising my manuscript?

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*Disclaimer: All third-party trademarks (including logos and icons) of journals / publishers, etc. referred to on this website remain the property of their respective owners. Use of third-party trademarks does not indicate any affiliation, sponsorship with or endorsement by them. Any references to third-party trademarks is to identify the corresponding services and shall be considered fair use under The Trademarks Law. We are not implying that purchasing this service will ensure publication in any journal.


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