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Frequently Answered Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to use our FAQ section?
  • Editing services
  • Publication support services
  • Payments and pricing
  • Translation with Editing Services
  • Medical Writing with Editing Services
  • How to order?
  • Editage Online System
  • Quality & delivery guarantee
  • Editage for labs
  • Editage Cash Card
  • Video Summaries
Payments and pricing
  • What is the price for Advanced Editing/Premium Editing services? Do you have a minimum charge or a flat fee for editing assignments?

  • What if I am not sure of the most appropriate plan to choose for my document?

  • I asked for a quotation but haven’t heard anything yet. What should I do?

  • Do you offer discounts?

  • Can I opt for an upgrade to Premium Editing Service after one round of Advanced Editing? If so, what are the prices for Premium Editing as second round?

  • What if I want to change my payment method from credit card to bank transfer or from bank transfer to credit card?

  • I received an error message while making a credit card payment. What do I do?

  • Will I receive a confirmation mail after my credit card payment is processed?

  • Will I receive a confirmation mail from Editage on making a payment?

  • How do I make a payment on Editage Online System?

  • Editage Online system shows my payment status as 'Pending' even after I have completed the payment process. What do I do?

  • I want to change details on the invoice and print a copy. How can I do this?

  • I require a customized payment document. Is it possible for Editage to provide this?

  • How do I make the payment for the assignment?

  • Can I make the payment on behalf of my friend?

  • When can I see the payment in my Editage account?

  • Can I make the payment using a Domestic Debit Card?

  • Will I get charged extra for making the payment?

  • Is there an extra cost for Making a Bank Wire payment?

  • Is my credit card information safe?

  • What if I am unable to pay through PayPal? What other options do I have?

  • While making payment through PayPal, can I use my debit card for payment, or only the credit card can be used?

  • For a one-time payment, will you be offering editing services only once or till successful submission and acceptance?

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