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Scientific Manuscript Proofreading Services

Make Your Research Global

Get perfect editing support for your manuscripts with Editage’s English-language editing and scientific manuscript proofreading services.

With 2000+ professional editors from over 1200 subject areas , we have experts for every manuscript type, including research papers, theses, dissertations, business documents, annual reports, speeches, presentations, posters, website content, and more.

Flawless Quality

  1. Largest pool of native English-speaking professional teditors

  2. Editing only by subject experts

  3. Quality checks on every edited file

Unlimited Support

  1. Unlimited QnA with the editor for free

  2. Multiple-round editing for publication-ready documents

  3. 24x7 availability of customer service staff

Superior Convenience

  1. Access to **EditageOnlineTM , a secure and convenient interface

  2. Quick turnaround times, affordable costs

  3. Free journal formatting and word reduction with editingOn-time delivery and quality guarantee


  1. On-time delivery and quality guarantee

  2. Endorsements from over 1600 journals

  3. Partnerships with reputed publishers, including Elsevier, Wolters Kluwer, PLOS, and Hindawi

*Multiple-round editing allows you to seek constant editorial support as you keep fine-tuning your paper. It is offered for free under the Premium Editing services and at a 60% discount under the Advanced Editing service.

** EditageOnlineTM is a secure and convenient interface for all your interactions with us. Use it to submit assignments, track their progress, download completed files, generate editing certificates, ask questions to your editor, make payments, give feedback, mark your favorite editors, save a record of your published papers, and more.

Guaranteed Quality

In the rare case our work fails to delight you, we'll re-work on it till you're 100% happy.

And if you are still not satisfied, you get a full refund of your fees, no questions asked.

On Time

We always help you meet your deadlines, often, by turning around work in just 8 hours

And, if we ever miss a promised deadline by even one minute, we offer a full refund of your fees.

Highest Standard Data Security

We work hard to protect your work. All our experts and employees follow a strict NDA.

Your files are also secure on our latest ISO standard systems (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified).

Three Levels of Editing

English editing services come in three levels to serve every kind of editorial requirement. Choose the level that is better suited to your paper type and publication goals.

Advanced Editing

This language editing service polishes the language in the paper and rids it of grammatical and typographical errors. It is suitable for all English editing and proofreading purposes.

Premium Editing

This is a substantive English language editing service designed especially for research papers. With free multiple-round editing for 365 days, this service guarantees complete editing support until the paper is published.

  1. Eliminates grammatical and language errors

  2. Improves structure and logical flow

  3. Provides a cover letter for journal submission

  4. Includes a manuscript assessment report

Premium Editing Plus

This service offers all the benefits of Premium Editing. Additionally, researchers receive guidance on post-submission matters, including a thorough check of their responses to peer reviewer comments.

You can count on editage

Editage is one of the leading providers of academic editing and scientific manuscript proofreading services. Our company offers manuscript editing services online to researchers around the world. Authors from more than 180 countries—including the UK, US, India, Australia, Canada, and Japan—count on our substantive and copy editing services for all their academic manuscript editing requirements.

We have an unwavering focus on quality and have set up robust processes and systems to provide high-quality editing services with consistency. Under our manuscript editing process, every document is matched to an expert editor from the same subject. To completely eliminate oversights or other minor errors, the edited manuscript then undergoes review by a senior editor. In this manner, our editing service ensures that your expectations are met and that you receive all the editorial support you need to publish.

Whether you’re a researcher looking for professional scientific manuscript proofreading services for your books and journal articles in medical or other fields, or a writer looking to publish novels or other works of non-fiction, you will find just the right prices and speeds at Editage. Request for a quote, see the editing fees upfront, and place your order – all at the click of a button!


Papers edited


Authors served

18+ years

Editing Experience

Start your publication journey now

**Our editor will reduce up to 20% of your word count under the Premium Editing and up to 10% under the Advanced Editing, if required by your target journal. There are no word count reduction limits under Scientific Editing. However, where word reduction could lead to loss of factual content, the editor will not make the changes directly but will instead offer suggestions to reduce content.


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