Publication Support Packages

Publication Support Packages Silver Pack Gold Pack Platinum Pack Custom Pack Compare All Pack

Accelerate your publication journey with our end-to-end support.

  • Expert guidance at every step of publication

  • Increase acceptance chances through robust journal-readiness support

  • Save administrative time and effort

  • Assistance to get published in the most suitable journals

Maximize your chances of getting published

Whether you are a Ph.D. student or a senior researcher, your time is precious. Editage has designed publication support services to help you at every step of your publication journey. Our publication experts will review your paper and provide constructive comments to help you improve your manuscript before submission to your target journal. We work with you to determine the most suitable target journals, assist in manuscript editing, carry out a peer review, compile your journal submission package with you, submit to your target journal on your behalf, & provide support till your paper is published.

Get unlimited rounds of free iThenticate plagiarism check reports under all the three Publication Support packs for up to 12 months. Have your paper checked for plagiarism every time you make major changes to your paper and right before journal submission. Safeguard your paper against journal desk rejections!

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Our Publication Support Packs suit every need

We have carefully designed service packages to match your specific publishing needs

Platinum Pack


TIME: 4 weeks


  • Journal Recommendation

  • Premium Editing

  • Artwork Formatting

  • Journal Submission

  • Unlimited rounds of plagiarism check (12 months)

  • Resubmission Support

  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Select Platinum Pack

Gold Pack


TIME: 3 weeks

  • Journal Recommendation

  • Premium Editing

  • Artwork Formatting

  • Journal Submission

  • Unlimited rounds of plagiarism check (12 months)

  • Resubmission Support

  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Select Gold Pack

Silver Pack


TIME: 3 weeks

  • Journal Recommendation

  • Premium Editing

  • Artwork Formatting

  • Journal Submission

  • Unlimited rounds of plagiarism check (12 months)

  • Resubmission Support

  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Select Silver Pack
$100 only

Not sure which pack is right for you? Plan a clear path to publication with Editage’s Rapid Technical Review

PhD experts from your field conduct a thorough scientific evaluation of your paper to analyze its novelty, ethical compliance, contribution to your research field, and readiness for journal submission.
Our experts also assess whether your paper is in publishable format and what you need to get it to the level your target journal expects.

Accelerate your publication journey

Get your own assistant to navigate complex journal submission processes that can save you from rejection and get you published faster.

Or, build your own Custom Pack

Journal Submission


Our team of experts take over and help you with everything that’s needed to submit your manuscript.

Journal Recommendation


Our experts go through your manuscript and recommend the top 3 to 5 most suitable journals.

Artwork Formatting


Our graphic design specialists understand technical artwork guidelines and can modify complex figures with great accuracy and aesthetic improvements.

Plagiarism Check


Our plagiarism check helps you identify parts of your manuscript that may get flagged by the journal for accidental plagiarism.

Premium Editing


Improve the language, structure, & flow of your manuscript and get unlimited re-editing and reformatting support for multiple journals

Pre-submission Peer Review


Our experts identify gaps in your methodology with a thorough technical review before your paper is submitted to your target journal.

Start customizing pack

How you receive support until publication with Editage's Publication Support

01 Planning your project schedule

Our project manager assesses your paper, understands its status, & creates a project schedule to meet your preferred deadline. The project is broken into phases determined by services constituting a pack: journal recommendation, English Editing, pre-submission peer review, artwork formatting, and more.

02 Bringing together the best-suited team of experts

Our project manager will find the best suited team of experts for your paper & allocate them phases of the project based on their subject matter expertise, educational qualifications, & publication experience.

03 Phase-wise delivery & incorporation of your feedback

Our publication support packs are designed to keep you in the loop after the completion of each phase. We will deliver each phase for your review & incorporate your feedback before proceding to the next phase of the project.

04 Preparing for journal submission

We create an account for your with your target journal, understand all the journal submission guidelines, & finalize a submission package based on journal requirements & your feedback. We then send this package to you for a final review before journal submission.

05 Completing journal submission on your behalf

We submit the journal submission package on your behalf, which includes your research paper, cover letter addressing the journal editor, and other important documents requested by the journal. We then await the journal's feedback on your paper to help you with the next steps.

06 Support until publication

It’s extremely rare for a research paper to get accepted without any feedback for revisions. So, when your target journal responds to the submission with feedback, we review your incorporation of journal feedback, help you respond to it professionally, & resubmit to the same journal for further review. In the event that you decide to change your target journal, we also support you with resubmission to a new journal. We'll keep improving your paper with you till it satisfies your target journal and is accepted for publication. Choose our Gold or Platinum packs to benefit from resubmission support for a new journal.


Guaranteed Quality

In the rare case our work fails to delight you, we'll re-work on it till you're 100% happy.

And if you are still not satisfied, you get a full refund of your fees, no questions asked.

On Time Always

We always help you meet your deadlines, often, by turning around work in just 8 hours

And, if we ever miss a promised deadline by even one minute, we offer a full refund of your fees.

Highest Standard Data Security

We work hard to protect your work. All our experts and employees follow a strict NDA.

Your files are also secure on our latest ISO standard systems (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified).

1100+ Scientific Societies
are associated with Editage across the globe

Editage complies with the highest standards of publication ethics. We follow the authorship guidelines outlined by the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and regularly update the scope of our services in line with recommendations made by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) and International Society of Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP).

How can you avoid rejection?

Based on peer-reviewed studies and journal recommendations, here are the top 7 reasons you might be getting rejected.
Thankfully, we have a solution for all of them.

Reasons for rejection

Editage Solution

Mismatch between journal scope and paper Journal Selection

Our experts go through your manuscript and recommend the top 3 to 5 most suitable journals.

Gaps in research design Pre-submission Peer Review

Our experts identify gaps in your manuscript content and logic with a thorough technical review before your paper is submitted to your target journal.

Inconsistency or inaccuracy of data Statistical Review

Our experts identify gaps in your methodology with a thorough technical review before your paper’s submitted to your targeted journal.

Weak literature review Pre-submission Peer Review

Our experts identify gaps in your methodology with a thorough technical review before your paper is submitted to your target journal.

Problems with your supplementing tables and figures Artwork Formatting

Our graphic design specialists understand technical artwork guidelines and can modify complex figures with great accuracy and aesthetic improvements.

Inarticulate writing and weak paper structure Premium Editing

Improve the language, structure, & flow of your manuscript and get unlimited re-editing and reformatting support for multiple journals.

Non-conformance with journal requirements Journal Submission

Our team of experts take over and help you with everything that’s needed to submit your manuscript.

Frequently Asked Questions

01 Does Editage guarantee publication with each pack?

Publication depends largely on the quality of your research and is a subjective decision that the journal editor takes based on several factors. Therefore, we cannot guarantee publication. However, by helping you understand and follow publication protocols and by offering Premium Editing and Pre-submission Peer Review services*, we help you increase your chances of publication.*Pre-submission Peer Review is only available with the Platinum pack or a Custom pack where you opt for this component.

02 What fees do I have to pay the journal and are these included in your Journal Submission service?

Different journals have different policies and operate on different revenue models. Hence, they have different fee structures as well. For example, most subscription-based journals charge authors for printing color figures/artwork. However, they do not charge any fees for publishing a manuscript. On the other hand, many open access journals charge authors a fee for publishing their articles and they use these fees to maintain the journal. As these fees differ from journal to journal and, more importantly, need to be paid by the authors themselves, they are not included in our Journal Submission fee.

03 Why should I choose Publication Support services?

With our publication support services, you can consult experts for guidance at all stages of the publication process. Our expert panelists will review your paper and provide constructive comments so that you can improve your manuscript before submission to the journal of your choice. The experts will work with you to determine the most suitable journals, assist in manuscript editing before submission, carry out a technical review, and provide post-submission support wherever necessary. These services are mainly aimed at helping authors save time and provide you with technical expertise at relevant stages of publication.

04 Will I get a refund if my paper gets rejected?

You will get a refund if any of the services we offer do not meet the expectation of the scope of service. The acceptance of a paper is sole up to the discretion of the journal. Depending on the service you choose, our experts could guide you to help you publish the manuscript and also advise you on how to avoid rejection.

05 When do I make a payment?

If you have chosen custom service, then you will have to complete the payment before the delivery of the assignment. If you have chosen a pack, the payment will be completed upon delivery of the 1st component of the pack.

06 What documents are necessary for this service?

We will need your complete manuscript (from title page to references including figures and tables) to carry out any of these services. For Journal Selection, it would help if you could also share your preferred impact factor, indexing, and any previous rejection history

07 Should I acknowledge Editage ?

If you have opted for an Editing or writing service from Editage, then it would be advisable to acknowledge Editage's support on the manuscript. According to prominent publication guidelines such as the ICMJE guidelines on authorship, editing or writing support should be acknowledged in the paper. Such acknowledgments also serve to assure journal editors/reviewers that the English has been thoroughly reviewed, and meets the required standards for publication. If you would like to acknowledge our editorial support for your paper, you can do so by simply including the following sentence in the Acknowledgments section - We would like to thank Editage [] for editing and reviewing this manuscript for the English language

*Disclaimer: All third-party trademarks (including logos and icons) of journals / publishers, etc. referred to on this website remain the property of their respective owners. Use of third-party trademarks does not indicate any affiliation, sponsorship with or endorsement by them. Any references to third-party trademarks is to identify the corresponding services and shall be considered fair use under The Trademarks Law. We are not implying that purchasing this service will ensure publication in any journal.