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Frequently Answered Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to use our FAQ section?
  • Editing services
  • Publication support services
  • Payments and pricing
  • Translation with Editing Services
  • Medical Writing with Editing Services
  • How to order?
  • Editage Online System
  • Quality & delivery guarantee
  • Editage for labs
  • Editage Cash Card
  • Video Summaries
Editing services
  • How do I find the support I’m looking for?

  • Who edits my document?

  • What training do your editors and writers receive?

  • I have a document that is very specialized in its subject area. How do I know you will be able to edit it correctly?

  • What background and specializations do your editors have?

  • What are the different types of editing services you offer?

  • What is the difference between Advanced Editing, Premium Editing services?

  • Can I change the type of editing service after submission?

  • What does MRE support mean?

  • What are the different English language styles you use while editing?

  • I do not want the word count of my document to increase after editing. What do I do?

  • Do you edit documents in LaTeX and TeX formats?

  • Do you provide document formatting services?

  • Do you accept machine translated documents?

  • What are your working hours?

  • Is my information secure with you?

  • If I have questions about the edited document how do I ask the editor? By when will you get back to me?

  • I would like to acknowledge Editage in my paper. How can I do so?

  • How can I get my editing certificate?

  • Do you accept PDF documents?

  • What is the range of word reduction your services offer while editing my thesis?

  • Do you edit PDF/Tex Files? Do you charge an additional fee for these types of files?

  • Do you offer editing services for dissertations to students?

  • Do you offer help in preparing a journal article from a dissertation?

  • What kind of support you provide post editing?

  • How to use your Post-editing service?

  • What services do you provide under medical writing?

  • Do you guarantee publication after your medical writing service?

  • Do you offer help to rewrite and paraphrase the plagiarized text in my manuscript?

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