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Introducing Editage card for
hassle free payments!

Save time

Spend more time on your research and less time on paperwork and administrative tasks!

Keep track

Get a snapshot of your editing spends with our real-time online statement.

Save money

Get more out of your research funds through attractive bonuses on every payment help.

Benefit from a secure online pre-payment tool that saves you time and money through its seamless pre-payment features and attractive service benefits! Whether you are an active researcher or a busy lab secretary, you can now make just one to cover multiple assignments that you plan to submit in the future.

How it works?

Add funds

Pay via credit card or bank transfer

Submit assignment

Choose ``Editage Card`` as payment mode

Track usage

Get real-time alerts for all transactions


Get 5% bonus added to your editage card for all pre-payment

Get Editage card

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 01

    How do I get an Editage card?

  • 02

    How do I add funds?

  • 03

    How do I obtain a proforma invoice before making a payment to my Editage card?

  • 04

    What payment modes can I use to add funds?

  • 05

    After making a payment, how soon until my card balance gets updated?

  • 06

    What proof of payment do you provide, after funds have been added to my Editage card?

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