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Get back a paper that reads in a native English tone & is free of language errors

Get back a paper that has excellent structure & flow, reads in a native English tone, & is free of language errors

Get back a paper with good chances of journal acceptance based on in-depth feedback from top-journal publication experts in your field


In-depth peer review by a top-tier journal reviewer from your field

Improvements in paper structure, flow, & presentation

Detailed comments explaining critical revisions & recommending alternatives based on subject area & publication conventions

Detailed review of the edit by a managing editor from your subject area

Report with an assessment of your research & language quality & guidance on improvements to paper structure, flow, presentation, & readiness for journal submission

Journal response letter check to help you respond effectively to journal feedback

Free re-editing for 365 days

Free iThenticate plagiarism check report for a year

Language editing for grammatical correctness, natural English tone, and accurate terminology by an editor from your field

Free formatting for your target journal

Free Editage language editing certificate

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For manuscripts over 18,000 English words, please contact customer service at for a customised quotation.


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • 01

    Can I change the type of editing service after submission?

  • 02

    What are the different English language styles you use while editing?

  • 03

    What kind of support you provide post editing?

  • 04

    Can I select editors of my choice?

  • 05

    Can you deliver editing services on weekends and holidays?

  • 06

    I’m not sure which service is most appropriate for what I need. Will you recommend a service to me?

  • 07

    Do you have a quality monitoring team?

  • 08

    Which subject areas are covered under Editage’s services?

  • 09

    Do you provide a certificate of editing?

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