
Research Data Management

In this blogpost, we’ll take a look at how such analyses can be conducted, with a step-by-step explanation of the process.
Exploratory analysis of multi-omics datasets: A handy guide for biomedical researchers
Biomedical research often deals with complex phenomena, and missing values can throw a wrench into our data analyses. This blogpost explains Multiple Imputation by…
An introduction to multiple imputation by chained equations for biomedical researchers
Read this blogpost to understand why Bayesian methods must be used to analyze longitudinal data and which of the Bayesian methods work well.
Conducting a longitudinal study? Here’s why and how you should use Bayesian methods
Many biomedical problems require intricate, multifaceted models. Bayesian statistics can handle these complexities seamlessly, allowing you to create models that reflect…
10 Steps to get started with bayesian statistics in biomedical research
Bayesian information borrowing allows you to leverage existing knowledge from related studies or domains. Read this post to understand Bayesian information borrowing in…
An introduction to Bayesian Information Borrowing for biomedical researchers
In this blogpost, we've examined how machine learning benefits various aspects of clinical trial management, from planning the study to overseeing participants and…
Efficient, cost-effective, and patient-centered: How machine learning can transform the way we conduct clinical trials
In this blog post, we have broken down the concept of joint modeling in simple terms and explained its significance for biomedical researchers.
A handy guide to joint modeling for biomedical researchers
This infographic presents five key things biomedical researchers need to know about correlation analysis in order to produce reliable results.
5 Things biomedical researchers need to know about correlation analysis
Analyzing time-to-event data is crucial in understanding the progression and outcomes of diseases, treatment effectiveness, and more. Here are some important…
Analyzing time-to-event data: What biomedical researchers need to know
This blogpost explains in detail what Bayesian statistics is, what is its use in survival analysis, and pros and cons of using different bayesian models.