
Choosing a Journal

If you’re worried about how a paper in a delisted journal would affect your reputation or credibility, here are some tips on how to navigate this situation.
This article explores the unique challenges faced by mid-career researchers and provide valuable tips to help them unlock the secrets of scholarly publishing. From…
Hijacked journals have come back into focus recently, and they can cause more damage than predatory journals to the scholarly record. Learn what they are and how to…
For the ongoing International Open Access Week 2020, we have curated the top questions by researchers around open access this year - and our responses to them
In the race to publishing success, journal selection is one of the most confusing, yet crucial, hurdles researchers have to jump. Take a look at the key points to…
Why wait nervously to see how the post-COVID-19 world unfolds? Empower yourself by acquiring the skills you always wanted to and take a step closer to success.
You’ve already heard from your peers that publishing in top journals is hard, given that their acceptance rate is currently under 10%. What can you do to increase your…
A presubmission inquiry helps you find out if a journal would be interested in your research without you having to go through the processes of manuscript submission and…
Synopsis: Often, predatory journals send email invitations to authors to submit their articles and lure them into paying APCs with assurances of publication. However,…
A predatory journal lures an author with false promises: A case study
This post provides basic information for those planning to submit a paper to PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA).