
Manuscript Writing

You'd have read about the common errors and pitfalls in writing in English but this article is more about the issues English-as-a-second-language (ESL) researchers face…
Lost in translation: Overcoming manuscript hurdles for ESL researchers
Editage Insights brings you this curated list, focussed on preparing effective tables and figures as adjuncts to text in research papers.
Effective figures and tables: Best of the web
In this blogpost, we’ll take a look at how such analyses can be conducted, with a step-by-step explanation of the process.
Exploratory analysis of multi-omics datasets: A handy guide for biomedical researchers
Biomedical research often deals with complex phenomena, and missing values can throw a wrench into our data analyses. This blogpost explains Multiple Imputation by…
An introduction to multiple imputation by chained equations for biomedical researchers
Read this blogpost to understand why Bayesian methods must be used to analyze longitudinal data and which of the Bayesian methods work well.
Conducting a longitudinal study? Here’s why and how you should use Bayesian methods
By addressing language barriers, we can empower diverse communities to participate in research and contribute to shaping the future. Read this short blogpost to…
Addressing language barriers in research participation
Many biomedical problems require intricate, multifaceted models. Bayesian statistics can handle these complexities seamlessly, allowing you to create models that reflect…
10 Steps to get started with bayesian statistics in biomedical research
Bayesian information borrowing allows you to leverage existing knowledge from related studies or domains. Read this post to understand Bayesian information borrowing in…
An introduction to Bayesian Information Borrowing for biomedical researchers
This is a list of 11 reading resources that will will help you express your research confidently in English through simple, practical tips on how to avoid common…
11 reading resources for non-English-speaking researchers to write better in English
As the year 2023 is coming towards an end, we have compiled our top 10 articles for you!